​Our purpose is to bring people to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, to develop, equip and empower them for a successful life and for worldwide mission to the glory of God.

To win the lost at any cost is the mission. We pursue the passion of Christ by sharing the gospel to all who will hear and openly receive. In accordance with the great commission which is to raise and equip willing and able disciples.
Our purpose is to bring people to the knowledge of the lord Jesus Christ, to develop, equip and empower them for a successful life and for world wide mission to the glory of God. Faith Miracle Temple of Toronto is a church that is transforming and changing lives through the power and anointing of the Light of Life which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
In the past we have catered to over 15 000 homeless people in one place alone, the “Harvest Café”, a homeless shelter in downtown Toronto, and currently feeding and clothing thousands in the downtown core and more across Canada and around the world.
Every Sunday @ 10:30 am
Join us at Faith Miracle Temple
Are you looking for a Friendly Family Church that preaches the truth?
This is your personal invite to come and join us for a wonderful time in praise, worship and the profound preaching and teaching of God's word.
We are the church that love is building.

Pastor Mark Baxter
& Lady Diane Baxter
Rev. Mark Baxter is an anointed and dynamic young preacher who is a graduate of Masters College and Seminary with Highest Honors and has a Bachelor’s degree in Theology.

A Brief Summary of the Ongoing Projects and Programs of
Faith Miracle Temple of Toronto is extensively involved in community projects and programs which include housing, feeding and clothing the less fortunate members of our community. In the last five years we have catered to over 15,000 such people in one place alone, the “Harvest Café”, a homeless shelter in downtown Toronto, and several thousands more across Canada and around the world. Our efforts in these endeavors have been so effective among these prescribed members of our community that our ministry was commended and congratulated in the year 2003 during our 25th anniversary by the Honorable Jean Chretien, the then Prime Minister of Canada, Honorable Sergio Marchi, Member of Parliament, the Honorable Mel Lastman, the then Toronto Mayor, and the Toronto Police Service Board.
In addition, we devote much of our effort to Youth Programs which involve counseling, recreational and educational activities and the development of a positive attitude toward their future.We endeavor to identify particular needs in our young people, and seek to offer remediation as best our ability allows. Our long-term goal is for residents and volunteers to have increased skills, capacity and knowledge that support a strong, harmonious and cohesive family unit and community as a whole. We are working with other organizations in the community with the aim of improving negative social conditions that affect residents of the community.
Under leadership of Bishop Dr. Al Baxter, a true visionary, the ministry continues to expand with affiliate branches here in Canada and the Caribbean and with his international Deeper Life Crusades and television broadcast which have reached countries in the Far East, Middle East, Africa, Europe, The Caribbean, South Central and North America. The Bishop has moved the ministry into a HIGHER DIMENSION whereby, we have purchased and reconstructed the new FMT complex designed to accommodate a large Auditorium, an Academic Christian school, a Gymnasium, a Banquet Hall, a Library and other recreational facilities. This complex will be instrumental in the growth and expansion of our community services.
The Faith Miracle Temple of Toronto Inc. & Faith Missionary Ministries Int’l was established in the year 1978 by Bishop W. A. Shaw PhD. DD, Bishop
Dr. Al Baxter PhD. DD, BSc., Bishop Lucas Green and Pastor George Smith. The ministry was later registered as a charity in 1985. The Faith Miracle Temple of Toronto Inc. & Faith Missionary Ministries Int’l is a community-based organization driven by passion, innovation and a strong commitment to social justice, community engagement and collaboration. The organization has been growing steadily since, and has become a formidable community support centre for the past 40 years. During this time, we have been involved in projects and programs such as are listed herein. As a church-based organization we cater to the whole man by providing help spiritually, financially and physically.
The mission statement which accentuates our endeavor is: Our purpose is to bring people to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, to develop, equip and empower them for a successful life and for worldwide mission to the glory of God.
In this regard, we are extensively involved in community projects and programs which Include Housing, Feeding and Clothing the less fortunate members of our community. In the Specialized Counseling, After School Remediation Programs, Helping New Immigrants, Rescue Missions, Performing Arts, etc. In the past we have catered to over 15 000 homeless people in the “Harvest Café”, a homeless shelter in downtown Toronto, and are currently feeding and clothing thousands in the downtown core of Toronto and several thousands more across Canada and around the world.
Our efforts in these endeavors have been so effective among these prescribed members of our community that our ministry was commended and congratulated in the year 2003 during our 25th anniversary by the Honorable Jean Chretien, the then Prime Minister of Canada, Honorable Sergio Marchi, Member of Parliament, Mel Lastman, the then Mayor of Toronto, and the Toronto Police Service Board.
In addition, we devote much of our effort to Youth Programs which involve counseling, recreational and educational activities and the development of a positive attitude towards the future.
Our long-term goal is for residents and volunteers to have increased skills capacity and knowledge that support a strong, harmonious and cohesive community. We work with others in the community, aiming to improve social conditions that affect community residents and the community at large.
Under leadership of Bishop Dr. Al Baxter, a true visionary, the ministry continues to expand with ministries in Europe and affiliate branches in South America, Barbados, Jamaica and Canada. Bishop Al Baxter also operates a television broadcast in Canada and the international Deeper Life Crusades which have reached countries in the far east, Middle east, Africa, Europe, The Caribbean, South, Central and North America.
Dr. Al Baxter is a prolific and anointed man of God who preaches and teaches the word of God with revelation and spiritual insight. Dr. Baxter also experiences frequent miracles of Signs and Wonders in his ministry.
Many people have testified that they have received Miracles of healing from brain tumors, cancers, stroke, heart problems, blood diseases, diabetes etc. Others testified of spiritual, marital and even psychological restoration. Many have also been delivered from demonic oppression and three dead people came back to life as the Bishop prayed the prayer of faith and called their spirit back into their dead bodies.
In the year of our Lord 1978, Al Baxter answered the call of God to start the Faith Miracle Temple Ministries in the city of Toronto. Through hard work, dedication and the grace of God the church grew and multiplied.
Rev. Al Baxter, now officially ordained as the Pastor, moved quickly to secure a storefront building at 615 Vaughan Rd. as a place of worship.

The church continued to grow and multiply, ministries were born, including the Healing and Restoration Broadcast, a weekly telecast seen coast to coast in Canada and the USA.
As the Grace and Blessing of God followed the ministry under the leadership of Rev. Al Baxter, new vision and inspiration began to pour into various areas.
Rev. Al Baxter along with the membership sold the property at 615 Vaughan Rd. and purchase a church building at 1067 Glencarin Ave.

Within five years there was hardly room to accommodate the growing membership.

There the mighty power of God was seen with signs and wonders. Miraculous healing of all sorts followed the ministry.

Being Ordained to the Bishopric, Rev and Sis Baxter knelt in prayer to receive the Mantle from Bishop W. A. Shaw.

Al Baxter now ordained as a Bishop again being moved by the Holy Spirit, purchased a large industrial Building at 28 Martin Ross Ave which was converted into a beautiful Sanctuary and Banquet Hall facility which housed the Faith Miracle Temple and the Faith Missionary Ministries.

The Saga continues and even though this narrative does not presume to pinpoint or itemize every step from this point forward, suffice it to say that the Faith Miracle Temple Ministries have been making many remarkable strides which include the establishment of the prospective broadcast, feeding and helping the homeless and poor on the streets of Toronto, foreign ministries and missions, the purchase and sale of a 48 000 sq.ft. $8 000 000 complex

280 Yorkland Blvd, Toronto
And the purchase of the present home of the Faith Miracle Temple at 2 Norbert Rd, Scarborough, Toronto.

2 Norbert Rd, Scarborough, Toronto.
At this point and time in our history we truly can shout aloud “EBENEZER” Hitherto hath the Lord helped us!
(1 Samuel 7:12)